Empowering Minds, Nurturing Hearts:

Crafting Future Physicians

Meet the Founders!

Ayush Sinha

Hello! I’m a rising senior at Neuqua Valley High School and am interested in the field of neurology. At school, I actively participate in our Aspiring Medical Professionals club as the president, SkillsUSA as an executive board member, JV Tennis as a team captain, and DECA as a member. Outside of school, I’m currently working on research at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine in a study selected by the National Cancer Institute for funding, volunteering at my local hospital, shadowing a doctor in Internal Medicine, and working on a research paper in regards to the neurological benefits of bilingualism in the field of neurodegenerative medicine. In my free time, I love working out, hanging out with friends, and listening to music!

Rohan Pallerla

Hello! I’m a rising senior at Waubonsie Valley High School and am interested in the field of neurology/precision oncology, and hope to pursue a career in surgical regenerative medicine. In school I am involved in various clubs including robotics, BPA, and rocketry, making it to the state level in all three and qualifying for the national competition in rocketry and even placing 5th nationally in BPA health administration event. Outside of school I have written a nanomedicine-related literature review mentored by three PhDs and was a part of a registered non-profit organization that raised money and resources for relief efforts in Kyiv, Ukraine. In my free time, I enjoy partaking in Bollywood dance, working out, and playing volleyball with my friends!

Informational Seminars

As rising seniors, we will present what we have found to be appealing application elements and methodologies for creating a creative yet quantifiable resume. Our topics will cover academics, research, networking, and extracurriculars, and how to succeed in these areas from the beginning of high school until senior year. These seminars will target aspiring middle schoolers, high school students, and even parents interested in learning how their child can elevate their resume during high school.

Guest Speakers

The field of healthcare is vast, offering many different pathways for students to pursue. Therefore, we want students to gain first-hand understanding of the lifestyles and experiences of healthcare professionals from various fields. Throughout our meetings, we plan to bring in healthcare professionals from diverse specialties to give presentations. This will allow students to learn about a typical day in their lives, as well as the experiences and recommendations they have to offer.


Everyone talks about research and publication as if it is a prerequisite to being accepted into elite institutions or BS/MD or BS/DO programs, but where do you start? Cold emailing is time-consuming and networking is a long haul endeavor, so we decided to start a new outlet for aspiring students to fast-track their research process. The IdeaLab is a program run by a team of students that have experience writing and publishing research, and is a platform for aspiring writers to start their journey to publishing a scientific paper.